Wednesday, December 3, 2008

ShipSmokeOut Update: December 3, 2008

Welcome back everyone!
I hope your short break brings you back to a new and refreshed you. Here's just a few updates, most important, the PASSHE is backing off. The article is available on

ShipSmokeOut Team

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

ShipSmokeOut Update: November 19, 2008

Tom Wing is President of Harley Hall and heard this while he was at the RHA general meeting, unfortunately President Ruud neglected to email him updates...tisk tisk. But here they are! You may not be happy with some of their "Probable locations,"
so do something about it. Email President Ruud.

ShipSmokeOut Team

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Suggested Designated Smoking Areas

This video outlines the best prospective spots on campus for designated smoking areas.

ShipSmokeOut Team

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Come across this on YouTube, a little radical, but very good. posts some questions doesn't it?

ShipSmokeOut Team

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Meeting With President Ruud During President's Hour In Harley Hall

Yesterday evening representatives of ShipSmokeOut spoke with President Ruud about the 
rumors concerning the implementation of the smoking ban starting November 1, 2008. He said that this is just a rumor, that in fact the only thing happening on November 1 is the implementation of the current smoking policy here at Shippensburg University. This means that Urns around buildings such as Dauphin Humanities Center will be removed, and university police will be asking students to smoke in the designated smoking areas on campus. For example the bench and urn outside of Harley Hall. ShipSmokeOut urges you to comply with these guidelines without resistance. President Ruud has assured us that we are working towards a compromise with the administration and the PASSHE.

ShipSmokeOut Team

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Email With President Ruud

This is pretty much what Tom Wing covered in the video, but here it is in text:

The following is an excerpt from an email with President Ruud that Tom Wing of ShipSmokeOut received today:

"...As for the ban we are still in the education mode trying to identify both health education and places that may be appropriate to smoke More this week" - President Ruud

This gives us hope that our voices are not being ignored, rather being taken into account while the Administration and the PASSHE discuss how the ban will be implemented.

We'll give you more updates as we get them!

- ShipSmokeOut Team

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Addition of YouTube to Our Arsenal

Hope this finds all of you in a relatively decent state of mind. We have now started using YouTube to give you updates, etc. So here are the first three. They are in order from newest to oldest.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Meeting With President Ruud

As most of you know, the creators of Ship Smoke Out, along with some of the Hall Representatives, had a meeting with President Ruud today. Overall, we believe the meeting went really well. Some of the things mentioned in the meeting by President Ruud are being looked into by the Ship Smoke Out staff, so that is one of the reasons why the March On Old Main was cancelled for tomorrow.

We apologize for the short notice of the cancelation, but do not worry, we will be holding other demonstrations soon. Keep checking the website and our Facebook group for further information as it is developed.

Thank you,
Ship Smoke Out Admin.

CBS 21 News Coverage of Petitions

We were recently covered on the evening news for our petition demonstration on tuesday:


Sunday, September 14, 2008

FOX 43 New @ 10

We were just profiled on FOX 43

The article is not well written, but it helps reach more people.

The Video shown on the news is here!


Saturday, September 13, 2008

Media News Reel

Hey everyone, I just keep you guys up to date with all of the great stuff going on this week.

Here are the links to the ABC 27 news article & video :

Another New Development:

Tom Wing and Allie Jean will be interviewed by Fox News Sunday Afternoon, i will post the video as soon as it becomes availible. Also keep your eye on the Slate, it comes out tuesday, and our story is on the front page! Also pay attention to Shippensburg University's Television Station, they will be airing footage from our Smoke IN Outside earlier this week.



If you are reading this, that means we set everything up okay.

We are currently looking for people who can work to help us create letter's to accompany our petitions for State Government and PASSHE officials.

Let us know!

Tom Wing