Sunday, November 9, 2008

Suggested Designated Smoking Areas

This video outlines the best prospective spots on campus for designated smoking areas.

ShipSmokeOut Team


Michael J. McFadden said...

It's good to see that you called PASSHE on its lie. They'd hoped to intimidate the students into blindly following the ban by playing the old "Don't Blame Me. I'm Just Following Orders." dodge that was tried by so many of the Nazi underlings at Nuremburg.

The difference is that at least those folks were telling the truth: PASSHE simply lied by telling students that there was anything approaching a reasonable interpretation of the "PA Clean INDOOR Air Act" that would make it applicable outdoors on campuses. A slimy lie, and particularly slimy when used as an example of a behavior standard for students. The people responsible should be disciplined or removed from their positions of authority.

As for the 25 foot rule, I believe it is reasonable as long as it is fairly applied to pollution from motor vehicles as well. Given the relative quantities of pollution emitted, it would seem that to be in synch with campus rules, you will have to block off all roadways within 2500 feet of campus building entrances and windows.

Yes, this will cause some slight inconvenience, but it's for the good of all, and it is only fair.

Michael J. McFadden
Author of "Dissecting Antismokers' Brains"

Tom Wing & Allie Jean said...

You are absolutely right, but without the backing of big pharmaceutical companies that the smoking bans have the support of, we have to take a backdoor approach, which may seem defeatist, but in time will hopefully educated the public, opening their eyes to the lies behind the smoking bans.